Sunday, July 17, 2022

Discussions about Becoming a 'Son of God'

 "I tell you most solemnly, unless a man is born from above, he cannot see the kingdom of God."


"I tell you most solemnly, unless a man is born through water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God: what is born of the flesh is flesh; what is born of the Spirit is spirit. 

 Do not be surprised when I say: You must be born from above. The wind blows wherever it pleases; you hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. 

 That is how it is with all who are born of the Spirit." John 3:3, 5-8 The Jerusalem Bible ( from which I will be quoting unless otherwise indicated due to my extensive use for several thing it has is 'Yahweh' inserted as God's name in Hebrew 6000 times)

For 35 years , from my baptism as a JW until I resigned in a letter handed to two  overseers at a congregation in Marathon Florida in  2006 or 2007, I was instruted to believe NO ONE was receiving the spirit adotion to become a Son of God when he/she does and receives his reward. 

But for two years previous to my resignation, I partook of the bread and wine as instructed by my Lord, each Memorial , and for that , like many many others, I was vilified by the Organization, and even my wife of many 35 years grew to despise me., as I took my kids minds and hearts in a new direction, that of the true gospel.

So now I will begin to discuss my understanding and life experience of becoming ' Born again as a Son of God'......and I will say up front. this happens while still alive on earth, not after one does. Jesus explains the experience, it is recorded by the 1st century born again Christians, and explained as having an inheritance in the heavens, awaiting all those who are elected to come and invited by Christ, and drawn to Christ by the Spirit of the Father. 

This is a somewhat lengthy discussion, but one I would be glad to receive input on from all you who come to investigate this old blog I set up many years ago, and now will resurrect, as I see that today; 7/17/2022, many are coming into the true light and some are just now receiving the Spirit, although millions have received it for 2000 years and the 'Organization...WTBTS' acknowledges none of this.

So please feel free to comment or ask questions !

I will post often and on differing topics of importance. 

I hope you read and reply.

John S

Sunday, June 26, 2022

What is the Good News of the Kingdom we as followers of Christ need to Preach?

 Hello all…,

It has been many years since I posted here. And I have been busy going into various churches to teach the Bible and Jesus’ teachings as accurately as I can.

I got remarried nigh on 4 years ag and it has not worked out to be anything but a curse on my life. 

In a nutshell just to get restarted, We are instructed by Christ himself to repent or our sinful nature and receive Jesus invitation tho be baptized with water and Spirit, and that happened for me over 15 years ago, which ultimately resulted in resigning from the KE religion and pursuing every though from Jesus and his Apostles .Jesus said we need no one but the Holy Spirit to teach us. The perfect way we do this is READ THE BIBLE as often as you can.

Once you find the instructions from Goapel of John, and Christ hims of comes to you bringing the Holy Spirit to be implanted with the Word (water) and the Holy Spirit, you are anointed as a re birthed son of God. As sons we have an inheritance : when we die we are resurrected to share a heavenly home and start training to be kings and priests as servants to mankind and protectors of the truth into eternity.

  There is no 144,000 limit on this invitation to become sons of God, in fact there is no other gospel than this.

Please reply if you can, as I want to know if I should teach here on this blog.

   Looking forward to hearing from anyone!