Tuesday, June 12, 2012

What is truth?

   What is truth? said Pilate to Christ. Christ said it was for this purpose he was sent forth......"To bear witness to the truth.Everyone that is on the side of the truth listens to my voice."John 18:37

   Some are boldly stating," Brother John sounds like you think you know everything, and you should just concentrate on love, as this in the final judgement is what will get you salvation."

  Two things are both wrong with that statement, well three, actually.
   1. I don't know everything....but seek to repeat Christ's words on all subjects under consideration, and not my own so called "Wisdom"
   2. "We should just focus on love, that is what will get us salvation"
      A big WRONG for that statement. many in Christian churches are loving( as also Many JW's are too) to family, friends, and even perform good works, but Matt. 7 Jesus said the DOING of God's will was even more important.
     Love, is, of course God's will, but there is much more involved, as love and KNOWLEDGE go together like plants and water. Plants need water, sunlight, and good soil, all to grow. Bible knowledge, knowledge of God, and his commands, his Son, and their program of everlasting life, including faith and knowledge about sin, the ransom, redemption, and accurate knowledge of truth ALONG with LOVE, are all requirements. These are clear statements from Christ as "water" for Christian growth and everlasting life. They are requirements that we must obey, or we are setting ourselves at odds with our Christian King, Christ.
     Now we can make up our own version of what is important to God for pleasing him, or we can listen to Christ's words, obediently, and receive his blessing. There is no way to do both.
     As Witnesses, we were known as truth -lovers. , although we had limited knowledge about Christ and his real teachings. Some of us are busy pressing forward toward learning from him, along with trying to become more loving, granted. This doesn't mean we are UN-loving.....just because we emphasize accurate knowledge. It is a scriptural command to follow Christ's teachings....all of them, and obey them.
    3.  The Bible does not specify LOVE as the way to get into the kingdom. It does say a Christian who is hating his "Brother" cannot be loving God, for we would not love God if we hate our Christian Brothers. Jesus also specified his brothers , sisters, mothers, etc. were only those who heard God's word and kept the commands therein for Christians. This is in 1 John 3.

    Here are a few of the requirements for eternal life. John 17:3.....John3:36.....John 4:23,24....John 17:17...........John 3:3-5   These all emphasize the knowledge and commandments, of which love is certainly the 'greatest',..... but not the only one by itself. I hope you readers will understand more about why I emphasize the gospel truth, according to Christ's commands, and not just the "Gospel of love" that is being put forward on some sites as the most-important thing.....and "truth can take a back seat". As I stated before, I only want to follow my Lord's clear instructions....set out in the New Testament primarily. 

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